Tuesday, May 13, 2014

bit bead: A Great Bead Idea

I'm not exactly sure how they found us, but 'bit bead' found us on Facebook, and I love their idea so much that I had to share. Their idea is basically a kit to make your own phone case art using beads. As an active beader and an iPhone user,  I think it's great. 

Watch the video to get the idea: 

What do you think? Are you as impressed as we were? You can also find bit bead here:

Monday, May 12, 2014

Many Pokemon Bead Sprites

Pokemon Bead Sprites by EV Bead Sprites

Once upon a time, Pokemon was a tv show. And there was a yellow thing they called Pikachu. That was all I knew. I never would've guessed that in 2013, someone could convince me to play a Pokemon game on DS, but it happened. I definitely would never have believe that I would complete said game. Pokemon Heartgold. 

I even got my own fancy purple 3DS shortly after. And then Pokemon Y for Christmas. We will omit the fact that I've been playing Pokemon Y for about 5 months and still only have 3 gym badges. I think. My fiance would know for sure. He parting words with me everytime he goes to work and I'm home is "Catch some Pokemon." But I never do. 

But we've made quite a few Pokemon bead sprites over the past year. A couple were custom orders. Dragonair was for me, as he was one of my favorites of my first ever Pokemon team. We've made many, many Pikachus. 

Which brings the question.. which Pokemon should we make next?